Tuesday, September 25, 2012

9 weeks!

The past few weeks I've definitely felt more pregnant and it feels more official. I came out to the uppers at work, my boss, the supervisors and more co-workers. We're still not on FB yet... we're trying to tell our closest friends first in person before they have to find out on FB.

My first appointment was last Thursday! I was so happy to be able to talk to my OB and get a piece of mind about everything. She was very informative and very patient with me as I went through and asked her all of my questions and expressed all of my concerns. I really am so blessed to have her as my doctor! I love her!

All of our appointments through November are scheduled! We did opt for the 12 week NT scan, mostly for the extra ultrasound and to be able to see our risks for Trisomy or any chromosomal defects. It's also another chance that Daniel will have to hear the heartbeat which is always an awesome thing. So in less than 3 weeks I'll be able to see our little baby again! October 17th cannot come fast enough!

Our baby is now officially a fetus!!! Hooray!!

Today I am 9 weeks 3 days, exactly one month from what is technically 2nd tri (13w3d), but I'll be happy to reach 12 weeks! It's such a large milestone and it feels good to be close to it!

Baby currently is the size of a green olive! (According to the bump)

Your Baby: Week 9

Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like... well... a baby!

Symptoms: Fatigue... It has come back with vengeance! It left for a little and then came back and said "Tricked you!"
Nausea has subsided (let's hope this stays away and doesn't come back like fatigue did). I still have some food aversions though which is ok. As long as I stay away from them, I'm golden.
Still a little bloated, but still haven't gained any weight, so that's a plus!
I'm super stopped up.... well it's on and off for the most part. I find when I forget to take my prenatal I can finally go. Colace and I are best friends right now.
I'm also finding that I'm waking up to pee the same time almost every night. I can't go a full night without emptying my bladder. Which is ok... makes me more at ease for that extra symptom.
My boobs are still off limits. Totally sore and growing! I'm already a DD, I'm scared to think what I'll be at the end of this pregnancy....
Food Cravings: Mexican food. Imagine that! Before I was pregnant I craved Mexican on a regular basis... now it's just heightened.
What I'm most excited about: Our next ultrasound! Hearing the heartbeat again... maybe getting a nice "angle of the dangle" educated guess if baby cooperates. Being in the 2nd trimester. Coming out to more friends and family and taking our announcement picture and posting it on FB!
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Nothing really new this week. Just brainstorming really about all the changes we'll have to make in the coming months.
My Bump: Still more of a blump. I'm SO bloated.  I still don't look pregnant to strangers, but I find the maternity pants give me more of a "B" belly definition..... Here is my 9 week shot:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blood results!

Good birthday news!!!

So my doctors office just called to confirm my appointment for tomorrow afternoon and since I still hadn't heard from them about my blood results, I decided to ask if they had come in. She said they had and put me on hold to have a nurse speak to me.

I waited for the longest 3 minutes ever for her to come back on the phone and tell me that the nurse was going to have to call me back or I can get the results when I come in tomorrow. I told her I really just wanted to know if it was good news or bad news so I can breathe again.

About 15 minutes later a nurse called to tell me everything was great, the levels were high and they had no concerns!! I can breathe!!!

Thank you, Lord!!! Happy birthday to me! Best birthday present ever!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

8 Weeks!

I can't believe I am well on my way to 9 weeks... that's really exciting! Especially after everything we went through on Friday... Seeing that heartbeat was seriously amazing.
Although, I am still waiting for the call from my doctors office to see what my HCG hormone levels were. On Friday evening the office called me saying they received the results from the labs, gave me my blood type (which I already knew) and then told me that according to the viability ultrasound, the pregnancy was viable, but then she told me, "We'll get the results back in a few days, in the meantime, TRY to have a good weekend!"
Well, the weekend was going to be much better enjoyed had she not said it like that. Daniel thinks I may be reading too much into it, but how can I not?
But I have to keep telling myself, today I have a healthy baby growing inside me, the heartbeat is strong and the doctor said she didn't have any concerns. The little raspberry was measuring right on track and I have not had any more bleeding.... so that is what is keeping me from stressing.
So we're at 8 weeks! Well technically... for some reason I find myself updating the blog on Tuesday's which is 3 days past the week change, so today I am 8w3d... but.... Baby is the size of a raspberry... (via the bump)

Doesn't that look delicious??

Your Baby: Week 8

Your baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though you can't feel it yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy.

Symptoms: Fatigue...still. It has subsided for the most part, but I still find myself nodding off every now and then. My boobs still hurt, not as bad as they did in the first few weeks, but still pretty bothersome, especially in the mornings when I wake up.
Nausea has somewhat subsided. I still have some food aversions that I never had before... which is ok. I'd rather have that than be puking.
Still a little bloated, but still haven't gained any weight, so that's a plus!
I'm super stopped up.... well it's on and off for the most part. I find when I forget to take my prenatal I can finally go. Stool softeners are my best friends right now.
I'm also finding that I'm waking up to pee the same time almost every night. I can't go a full night without emptying my bladder. Which is ok... makes me more at ease for that extra symptom.
Food Cravings: I've been craving oranges... the fresh juice mostly is what I want. I did have a craving last night for re fried beans. Maybe it means I need more vitamin C and fiber in my diet. I still want Tito's. I can't wait till Christmas so I can finally have some!
What I'm most excited about: My appointment is Thursday... I'm hopeful to get some good news then. Maybe we'll be hearing the heartbeat again? Who knows. I am waiting for my doctors office to call me back so I can get my HCG levels... that will put my mind at east.
Something I've done to prepare for baby: I broke down and bought some maternity pants this weekend. They're SO comfortable. I also bought a bella band so I can still wear my pre-pregnancy jeans. I am down to one pair anyways so there really wasn't any point in buying more unless they were maternity. So maternity it was. 
My Bump: Still more of a blump. I'm SO bloated, especially last night when I took this picture. I also feel like the maternity pants and bella band define the blump a little more and make it more pronounced to actually look like a bump.... However I still don't look pregnant to strangers. Just fat. :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday morning scare...

So this morning around 10am, I’m at work. I go to the bathroom, tried to go #2  (I’m totally stopped up right  now) and nothing. I don’t know if I pushed too hard or something, but when I wiped there was bright red blood. A little too much blood to be considered spotting. Needless to say, I freaked the hell out and ran back to my office to call my OB.

They were able to get me in right away for a viability ultrasound and blood work. I literally had 20 minutes to get to a place that was 20 minutes away. They told me if I was late, they weren’t sure if they were going to be able to get me in again today.

Unfortunately when I went in to tell one of the supervisors since my boss is gone today, she was in a meeting with one of the other supervisors and I was already bawling. So I totally outed myself, which is ok. They both were very supportive and told me to leave and keep them updated. She said I didn’t have to come back today if it wasn’t good news.

So I called Daniel, he left work and we both hauled ass to the OB’s office. He got there too late to see anything, but I got my first surprise u/s! Everything was measuring perfectly. I’ll be 8w tomorrow and my EDD is still 4/27. The HB was a strong 174 bpm and I saw it on the screen and she let me hear it! It was the most beautiful experience. She printed me out one picture and didn’t even have to do a vaginal u/s which I was super surprised about. I think it was because she was in such a hurry.

She didn’t give me really any reasons why I would be bleeding but it has since stopped. Nothing ever showed up on my underwear and seeing the u/s I guess she wasn’t concerned at all. I did have to give some blood so I’m waiting on those results still. My first prenatal exam is next Thursday where I’ll see my normal Dr. and I’m going to express these concerns with her. But for now, our baby is healthy and growing and we couldn’t be more relieved.

I’m so sad though that Daniel missed it. He works about 10 minutes further from the office than I do and he was walking in as I was walking out. He had the most concerned look on his face and when I told him everything was ok I saw him visibly relax. His eyes got so sad when I told him I heard the HB and he realized he missed it, but I got to show him the picture and he was super excited again.

I was a freaking mess. I don’t think I ever prayed so hard in my life! But here is a picture of our little raspberry!

I'm happy we were able to get an early u/s, but I would have waited the extra 5 weeks to never feel that scared again. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 7

Week 7 is here... and my appointment is a week and 2 days away. However, I decided to call the office yesterday to ask them what I should be expecting at the first appointment. Obviously I was hinting around at getting an u/s, but sadly, no u/s will be performed. They said the first u/s they do will be at 12 weeks for the NT Scan. I'm a little disappointed. I just wanted to hear the heartbeat and see how everything is progressing. So now I'll have to wait until mid October.

On a positive note, I can officially say that I am more than half way though the first trimester! That's exciting! I feel like the 1st trimester is such a huge milestone to get through. Filled with worry and what ifs and excitement all at the same time. I will be so much more excited once I know the little heart is beating, she/he is growing beautifully and everything is the way it should be.

I guess all this worry never really goes away, huh? It's all just preparing me for mommyhood.

Currently baby is the size of a blueberry! (Via the bump.)

Your Baby: Week 7

Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about 100 new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place.

Symptoms: Holy fatigue, Batman. Can I please just nap all the time? I feel like a huge lazy bump on a log. All I do in my spare time is nap, or think about napping, or wonder when I'll be able to take my next nap. I can't wait to get some more energy back.
My boobs still hurt, not as bad as they did in the first few weeks, but still pretty bothersome, especially in the mornings when I wake up.
Nausea more than before, but still not full blown morning sickness. I really can't complain. I know most women that are as far along as I am are puking their brains out. I really can't complain. I've been holding it down for the most part. Sucking on hard candies (minty or fruity) has been helping ward some of that off. Plus it helps with the nasty taste in my mouth that seems to never go away.
Still a little bloated, but haven't gained any weight, so that's a plus!
Food Cravings: My appetite has decreased immensely, which is why I think I haven't gained any weight (I've actually lost some weight), but surprisingly, the things that don't make me nauseous to smell is fast food or restaurant food. Anything homemade right now makes my throat tighten. I know, that's terrible.
What I'm most excited about: Well, I'm not as excited anymore for my appointment since I won't be seeing the little gummy bear... but I am excited for the 1st trimester to be over and to get some energy back!
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Nothing really from last week. I did buy What To Expect When You're Expecting.. I started to read that. I also bought a few baby name books. I have a STRONG intuition that we're having a girl, so right now I'm only focusing on girl names.
My Bump: Still no bump yet, although I feel like I look bigger from the past pictures, although I weigh less... funny how that works.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 6!

I feel like time is dragging. 2 weeks from Tomorrow is my appointment. Yay!!

And yay for being half way through the first trimester!!!

September is my favorite month for so many reasons. It's my birthday month, first and foremost. Also, because Fall is my absolute favorite season and it starts in September! Appleumpkin is this month, the best fall festival I've ever been to and I'm excited that I get to shop for baby this year!!
Also, Pumpkin Spice Lattes.... heck yes.

I'm posting a little late this week, the holiday on Monday got me all confused. So my Monday picture that's posted Tuesday was taken Tuesday and is being posted Wednesday.

We're almost 7 weeks! Currently baby is the size of a Sweet Pea!! (via the Bump).

Your Baby: Week 6

Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and chin. Those little hands and feet- still webbed like paddles- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.

Symptoms: Sore breasts- not as bad, but still there. Fatigue- still there. I'm taking so many naps now. Like whenever I get a chance, my eyes are closed. Nausea is starting to kick in, mostly in the afternoons and when I smell something that doesn't please me. I thought I gained weight because of my bloat, but when I weighed myself, I'm actually down 3lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. Boom!
Food Cravings: Rip and Dips (Italian bagels filled with cheese dipped in marinara, mmm)
What I'm most excited about: The first appointment! Being pregnant in the fall... cute fall maternity sweaters!
Something I've done to prepare for baby: I've started to organize the room that is going to be changed into the baby's room. Well, I guess more like I've thought about starting to organize it. That is my plan this weekend. I need to clean it. Bad.
My Bump: More like a blump. I'm still bloated, but not as bad. I don't have a bump yet.