Thursday, December 20, 2012

21 weeks!

It’s almost Christmas time!! I’m so excited to spend the holidays at home. We’re flying back to California tonight and we’ll be there for 12 straight days. It’s the longest I’ve ever visited home since I moved…. I can’t wait! We have lots planned… I can’t wait to see my nephew! We’re taking him to Disneyland, going to see Christmas lights and all sorts of fun stuff! I can’t wait to see everyone and ring in the new year at home! I’m also really looking forward to the Mexican feast we have every year for Christmas Eve… Tamales, Rice, Beans, Chili con Carne and beef and potato from Ramona’s… YUMMMM.

This Saturday we also have our 4D ultrasound booked! I’m so excited to get a sneak peak at baby’s facial features! I know she’s not fully grown yet so she won’t be chubby baby like the ones I’ve seen, but it’ll be cool to see the face move and be able to get a clear view of it. I’m really excited!

Currently baby girl is the size of this yummy looking fruit:

Your Baby: Week 21

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.

Symptoms: Back pain still… and sweelllinggggg. It’s like the minute I hit 21 weeks my ankles were like “It’s go time.”
Food Cravings: I think we’re back to Clementine’s.
What I'm most excited about: The 4D ultrasound this weekend, hitting the 24 week viability mark…ddecorating the nursery, going home so baby girl can hear my family’s voices!
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Nothing new really this week…

21 week (work picture) haha

Friday, December 14, 2012

20 weeks!

20 weeks…. I seriously thought I would never get here. I am still in pure maternity bliss. I love being pregnant! Especially now that I can feel baby girl moving all the time now! She’s so active, I absolutely cannot wait until we’re able to feel it from the outside so that Daniel can share my joy. I’ve been sitting with my hands over my stomach while we’re watching TV to see if I can feel anything. I’ve put Daniel’s hands on my stomach too and have felt her kick, but Daniel doesn’t feel them yet. Soon enough I hope!

We had another ultrasound this week. The anatomy scan that I had done at 18 weeks wasn’t super successful when they were trying to get a good view of her heart. She just wasn’t cooperating and wasn’t in the proper position to get a look at everything they needed to look at. This time when we went back I laid off the juice and only drank water before the appointment. She was still having a dance party in there! She was still so active and when she finally did calm down, she was curled up like a little shrimp in the corner of my stomach and the tech couldn’t get anything she needed to get. The scan lasted about 45 minutes. The majority of the time she was trying to get the baby to move, but baby girl wasn’t having it. She ended up having to do it vaginally. I was so not prepared for that. My legs weren’t shaved or anything and Lord knows how long it’s been since I’ve had a pedicure. Lol… I’m sure they’re used to it though. So once they got a better view she was able to give us lots of pictures. We even got some 3D picture sneak peaks! Next Saturday is my 4D elective ultrasound… I can’t wait to see her more! I’ll be in L.A visiting my family for Christmas, so I’m happy they get to go to one ultrasound. Here are the pictures that we got at the ultrasound yesterday.

She's the size of a banana this week!

Your Baby: Week 20

Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!

Symptoms: Back pain still… the Snoogle helped tremendously, but I think it’s time to stop sleeping on my back. It seems to get worse if I lay on my back too long.  Running noses, itchy throat and phlegm has started to get worse… they did say that the 2nd trimester was going to get a little more…. Damp was the word they used. They were right!
Food Cravings: Nothing really stands out… I’m still completely obsessed with Mexican food, Taco Bell more specifically.
What I'm most excited about: Decorating the nursery, going home to see my family and have a 4-D ultrasound and reaching the "viability" point... which I believe is about 27 weeks.
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Registered, starting to think up themes for my own shower. :)

Here is my 20 week belly:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

19 weeks!

Ahh!!! We're almost half way there!!

Today I am currently 19w5d... Insane. Time is really flying by. Tomorrow we have an appointment with a possible pediatrician.... then on the 13th we go for another ultrasound so they can get a better look at baby girl's heart and then I fly home to California a week after that! Two weeks from today!!

While we're home I scheduled a 4-D ultrasound so that my family would be able to get to experience an ultrasound with me and we can get good pictures of baby girl's face and get a good idea of what she looks like! So crazy how technology has advance so we're able to do things like that, it's so awesome!

I'm feeling soooooo much movement lately. I can't wait until I can feel it from the outside so Daniel can feel her kicking too! Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the bond it's creating between the two of us... it's only between me and her. I love it.

We registered this weekend! Man was that draining! My favorite thing we registered for is the nursery decor. How cute is this??

The nursery is what I'm most looking forward to right now. Other than meeting baby girl obviously, but I can't wait to get her room all together! I collected Sleeping Beauty collectibles when I was younger and I've saved the more expensive pieces. I plan on putting them in her room and adding to the theme. I can't wait!

This week she is our little mango....

Your Baby: Week 19

Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.

Now I want a mango....

Symptoms: Oh the night time back aches! I ordered a Snoogle and I can't wait for it to get here! I am noticing I am getting more and more uncomfortable sleeping and just relaxing on the couch. If I'm wearing pants that are too tight I just feel so constricted and I need to reposition myself a lot more frequently now. My nose is super runny, which they said during the 2nd trimester you may experience more "dampness" everywhere.... snot is one of the aspects of it, but we won't get into the rest. 
Food Cravings: We're back to Mexican food... and fruit again.
What I'm most excited about: Decorating the nursery, going home to see my family and have a 4-D ultrasound and reaching the "viability" point... which I believe is about 27 weeks.
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Registered, starting to think up themes for my own shower. :)
Here is my 19w4d bump: