Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Catch Up... Weeks 22, 23 and 24...

 Happy New Years!!! I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!! I certainly did! The time has literally slipped through my fingers. Going on vacation really screwed me up! I was home for so long and didn’t have any time to take bump pics or update my blog… oh well! I had a super fun time… It was great being home with my family for Christmas while soaking up the warm California sun! It was not that sunny when I returned to Rochester… we got a nice snow storm the day after Christmas which resulted in me having to brush a foot of snow off of my car the morning I had to return to work.

The worst part was, I got sick. Yeah…. The last day in L.A I started to feel under the weather, I had the tickle in my throat that no cough could scratch… and my throat was on fire. I woke up New Years Eve with the full on chest cold…. Not only does it suck to be sick, but it sucks to fly when you’re sick. Man, that was an uncomfortable day. Needless to say I was anxious to get back home and nurse myself back to health. I went back to work after 12 days off, worked one full day, and then took two more days off just to get better. Seriously, the worst cold I’ve ever gotten.

I’m happy to report that I am back to feeling about 90% better and baby is kicking around like CRAZY! I got to feel her kick from the outside for the very first time on Christmas morning. What an awesome gift! I ran downstairs to find Daniel to have him feel too. He sat there with his hand on my belly for a good 20 minutes and felt nothing… of course. This little girl has a sense of humor. He eventually was able to feel it a few days ago while we were at home sitting on our couch watching Moonshiners. Haha….

We had the 4D ultrasound while we were home…. Kind of a waste of money, I’m not gonna lie. It was awesome for my mom, sister, and step dad to be able to experience an ultrasound with dad had to work :(, but we didn’t see too much of what we haven’t already seen from doctor’s offices. She wasn’t in the best position and her face was covered the whole time by her hands. At one point, she actually had her legs up by her face and she was holding her ankles almost like she was purposely trying to hide… Lol… sense of humor I tell ya. I got some good pictures, but I don’t have them uploaded yet. I hope to get them uploaded by week 25 so ya’ll can see.

I did have a doctor's appointment when I got back from L.A I've only gained 8lbs since the start of my pregnancy! I'm very proud of myself, it felt good to get complimented by my doctor too. She did however, tell me that I still have complete Placenta Previa and that if it doesn't move by 30 weeks, they're going to have to do a c-section around week 36-37. (That puts us at the end of March/beginning of April, a whole month early!! Ahh!!) I am ok with the c-section. it actually will work out to be way more convenient than waiting for me to go into natural birth... for more than a couple reasons. One being that my family won't have to play the guessing game on when to fly out here for the birth... that helps too. I am just obviously worried about the health issues that come with PP.... They're going to closely monitor me to see that it moves though, so prayers that it moves at least a little!

My mom and mother in law have started planning my baby shower... I'm so excited and so grateful that they're doing this for me... It makes me feel so humbled. I am very excited to help them plan and get involved with a little with the details. They're thinking the first weekend of March, how exciting!!

I’ve started planning out baby girl’s room and have most of the major details taken care of. We just need to put the plan to action now. My in laws bought us the nursery furniture for Christmas!! What a generous gift… I am so happy to see it in person and get the room in order! Here is the furniture we picked out:
Pretty huh?? And such a good deal… I also ordered this wall decal off of Etsy yesterday to put above her crib… I can’t wait to see it all together!

While we were away, baby girl went from the size of a Pomegranate to a Papaya to a Grapefruit and is now the size of a Cantaloupe! She’s been doing some serious growing while we were on vacation!

Your Baby: Week 24

At week 24, baby’s progress isn’t just about internal stuff, it’s about her looks too. With pinker, more opaque skin, she’s looking more and more, well, like a baby. You might be experiencing some of the discomforts of the later months of pregnancy like leg cramps, backaches and swollen feet.

Check, check, and check.

Symptoms: Back pain still… and minor swelling again. I'm also having times when my upper right thigh will just randomly fall asleep. It's not frequent, but it's happened a few times while standing in line for various places... weird.
Food Cravings: I think we’re back to Clementine’s...really anything citrus.
What I'm most excited about: Getting the nursery furniture in and getting her room all in order.
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Planned out nursery, ordered furniture and some decor!
Here is my 24w4d bump:

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