Only 5 weeks left!! I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown by…. But then again it really hasn’t. I absolutely cannot wait to meet this little girl… and kiss those feet that have been jabbing in my rib cage for the past week… and kiss those little fingers that have been punching my bladder... and kiss that little mouth that has been hiccupping at least 2-3 times a day for the past two weeks… it’s so worth it. Everything I’ve been going through, just to know that in 5 short weeks, I’ll be holding her.
Today at work we had a meeting scheduled with my boss and 5 other co-workers who are all sharing my responsibilities when I go out on maternity leave. Before the meeting my good friend/co-worker came to my cubicle to walk down with me, we both stopped by the bathroom first and then walked into the meeting room to find no one in there yet but my boss. My boss goes “I guess no one is in here yet.” So Kim was like “Let’s go into the cafeteria and kill some time.” So I’m slowing walking in behind her and she walks past this partition that’s up in the cafeteria usually used for meetings and I almost didn’t follow her because I’m like, “Someone’s having a meeting, let’s not disturb them!” And as I walk closer I see all of these “It’s a Girl!” decorations and all of these women I work with yelling “SURPRISE!” I was so floored… completely shocked!! I received a few more gifts from friends and a BRU gift card that about 26 different people chipped in for! Kim made delicious cupcakes and the decorations and balloons were adorable!!
I felt so overwhelmed and so special. I have lots of thank you cards to write this weekend!
My mom and dad have both booked their trips to come and see the baby when she’s born! I’m so glad they’re both going to be here for her arrival… She is going to have both sets of grandparents with her after she’s born! That is going to be a VERY rare occasion seeing as how we live across the state from my family. I’m so blessed to have an amazing family!
This week Daniel finally got to FEEL and SEE her hiccups! I don’t know why I was so excited for him to feel them and see them, normally it’s too much of a subtle movement for someone else to see, but he was able to the other night. He was also able to see her rolling around, he got a little creeped out. Hahah, it was funny!
My body is really starting to feel this pregnancy too. I have been feeling pretty uncomfortable sleeping in our bed at night and it seems like I wake Daniel up at least 4-5 times when I’m switching positions, getting up to pee or just laying awake because of how uncomfortable I am. So we were in CT this weekend visiting family, I slept on an air mattress thinking it would be the death of me. It was SO comfortable!!! When we got back it was followed by the two worst nights I’ve had in our bed, just nonstop tossing and turning which leads to a 1pm crash at my desk. So last night I buckled and decided to try the air mattress again. We blew it up and set up all my blankets on the floor to our bedroom and we slept in separate beds last night… we both hated to admit in the morning that we both slept AMAZINGLY… so we (currently) are officially one of those couples that sleep in separate beds. I am not ashamed. It felt amazing to wake up not stiff and sore!
This week baby girl is the size of the fruit that I posted last week… oops. Last week she was the size of a squash… this week she’s a durian fruit. I don’t know how I screwed that up.
Symptoms: Back pain, hip pain, peeing every hour, heartburn, pelvic pain, some constipation still...and still feeling tons and tons of flashes are now added to the mix.
Food Cravings: Fish Taco's
What I'm most excited about: April 20th!!
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Make sure I get some good sleep by switching to the air mattress... I know those nights are going to be few and far between once she's here!
Well, here is my 33 week bump:
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