Wednesday, November 7, 2012

15 weeks!

 We officially have less than 3 weeks before we find out what baby is! I'm so excited... I feel like once we know the sex for sure we can figure out names, nursery theme and all that fun stuff! Maybe even register shortly, oh so fun! It'll feel so much more real! You know what else is making it feel real??

MOVEMENT! That's right, we have movement, ladies and gentleman! It started yesterday afternoon... I was at work patiently waiting for the clock to turn to 5pm and I started to feel little pokes or flutters... then again... and again... and then again... for about an hour intermittently. Seriously, it felt so amazing. I wasn't sure what I was feeling was the baby at first or just gas. Lol, if you know me you're probably laughing right now. Then today around noon I started feeling it again, same sensation, but more active and all in the same spot as last night. I'm pretty sure it's the baby in there poking away, "Mom, I'm getting hungry!" So we're eating chili right now... currently the thing I'm craving.

Currently baby is the size of an orange!

Your Baby: Week 15

Continuing the march towards normal proportions, baby's legs now out measure the arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably still can't feel the movements.

Haha that's funny, cause I'm pretty sure I can feel them. Although I'm half way through week 15 already, well on my way to week 16!

Symptoms: Headaches.... ugh. I'm trying to stay as hydrated as possible though to help.
Food Cravings:  Salads with hard boiled eggs and croutons. Chili and anything spicy I can get my hands on.
What I'm most excited about: Picking out the baby furniture... decorating the baby room... Finding out of SHE is a SHE!
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Nothing really new this week...
My Bump: 15w4d

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