Friday, October 12, 2012

11 weeks!

I'm actually almost 12 because I'm posting SUPER late this week. Somehow blogging week 11 completely slipped my mind. I didn't even take a bump picture this week until my birth month board posted their Hump Day Bump Day thread and realized I never took my picture. So I snuck into the work bathroom and snapped one. It's super awkward looking because I was trying to hold my scarf up along with my badge and take it fast enough in case someone walked in and wondered what the heck I was doing.

Anywho... we have 4 more days until our NT scan!!! I can't wait to see the baby again and see how much she has grown! I'm also excited for her/him to look more like a baby instead of a duckling with a floating head. Lol. I'm excited for Daniel to be able to be there with me this time so we can experience it together. So many girls on the boards that I participate on, on The Bump have said that theirs were so active. I can't wait to see her move and dance around!

Also... we're out to the world!! It feels SO good to be public. We "came out" to Facebook yesterday after a good dinner with the last group of friends that we wanted to wait to tell in person. We announced with the following picture:

Then, my Facebook blew up. Poor Daniel signed onto Facebook after work yesterday and had almost 215 notifications... he was pretty blown away.

Also, I was able to borrow a fetal Doppler from my friend at work and got to listen to the heartbeat a few times at home. It's seriously the most amazing sound ever. The first time I tried I was closer to 11 weeks and it took me a good hour to find it. The 2nd time took me just as long, but I figured out that it works better on a full stomach. A few nights ago I did it right after dinner (baby likes Red Robin just like her mom!) and I was able to find the heartbeat in about 5 minutes. The heartbeat is still pretty high!

Notice how I keep referring to baby as "her"..... that's because I'm pretty sure she's a she.... we'll see if my instinct is right in a few weeks!

I also bought my first baby item this week.... gender neutral of course. Boy or girl, my child is going to like Mickey Mouse.... cause it's in our blood. How cute is this?!?! I got a size 18m, so hopefully by the time baby is 18m, she'll fit into it.

So.. I'm currently 11w6d... baby is the size of a lime! According to the bump:

Your Baby: Week 11

Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through. But, fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail beds are forming -- setting up a significantly more attractive future.

Symptoms: Fatigue... STILL. Kind of comes and goes, but hits hard at the 1:00-2:00pm mark.
The bloat ... except it feels different. It's more at the top of my rib cage.. like something is definitely there that wasn't before. Maybe my organs are being pushed up now?
My boobs are still super sore.
Food Cravings: Mexican food. Imagine that! Before I was pregnant I craved Mexican on a regular basis... now it's just heightened.... and Mandarin Oranges... juice.... and Mexican food. Did I mention Mandarin Oranges?
What I'm most excited about: TUESDAY!! Seeing the baby again.... seeing her move around and wiggle and look more like a baby.
Something I've done to prepare for baby: We've started to look at baby furniture and talk about which room we're going to make the nursery.
My Bump: Still more of a blump. Here is my 11 week shot... (Really 11w4d)

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