Week 7 is here... and my appointment is a week and 2 days away. However, I decided to call the office yesterday to ask them what I should be expecting at the first appointment. Obviously I was hinting around at getting an u/s, but sadly, no u/s will be performed. They said the first u/s they do will be at 12 weeks for the NT Scan. I'm a little disappointed. I just wanted to hear the heartbeat and see how everything is progressing. So now I'll have to wait until mid October.
On a positive note, I can officially say that I am more than half way though the first trimester! That's exciting! I feel like the 1st trimester is such a huge milestone to get through. Filled with worry and what ifs and excitement all at the same time. I will be so much more excited once I know the little heart is beating, she/he is growing beautifully and everything is the way it should be.
I guess all this worry never really goes away, huh? It's all just preparing me for mommyhood.
Currently baby is the size of a blueberry! (Via the bump.)
Your Baby: Week 7
Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about 100 new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place.
Symptoms: Holy fatigue, Batman. Can I please just nap all the time? I feel like a huge lazy bump on a log. All I do in my spare time is nap, or think about napping, or wonder when I'll be able to take my next nap. I can't wait to get some more energy back.
My boobs still hurt, not as bad as they did in the first few weeks, but still pretty bothersome, especially in the mornings when I wake up.
Nausea more than before, but still not full blown morning sickness. I really can't complain. I know most women that are as far along as I am are puking their brains out. I really can't complain. I've been holding it down for the most part. Sucking on hard candies (minty or fruity) has been helping ward some of that off. Plus it helps with the nasty taste in my mouth that seems to never go away.
Still a little bloated, but haven't gained any weight, so that's a plus!
Food Cravings: My appetite has decreased immensely, which is why I think I haven't gained any weight (I've actually lost some weight), but surprisingly, the things that don't make me nauseous to smell is fast food or restaurant food. Anything homemade right now makes my throat tighten. I know, that's terrible.
What I'm most excited about: Well, I'm not as excited anymore for my appointment since I won't be seeing the little gummy bear... but I am excited for the 1st trimester to be over and to get some energy back!
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Nothing really from last week. I did buy What To Expect When You're Expecting.. I started to read that. I also bought a few baby name books. I have a STRONG intuition that we're having a girl, so right now I'm only focusing on girl names.
My Bump: Still no bump yet, although I feel like I look bigger from the past pictures, although I weigh less... funny how that works.
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