Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 5

Can I tell you, I am literally counting down the days until our first appointment! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat and be able to see our little peanut on the screen! I can't wait to finally see what the heck is going on in there.

We're at week 5 now. Currently baby is the size of an Appleseed! (According to the Bump)

Your Baby: Week 5

Your embryo (looking kind of like a tadpole) is starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of hCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests)... which triggers production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone... which trigger all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!

Symptoms: Sore breasts have finally subsided somewhat. I'm having a little more heartburn, mostly in the mornings. I'm super tired, like I seriously would give anything to sleep all day. I'm taking more naps, which if you know me, you know that is so out of character. I'm also still super bloated.
Food Cravings: Nothing really.
What I'm most excited about: I am so excited for our first appointment! It's a month from Thursday! However, I like to say 4 weeks, it sounds shorter.
Something I've done to prepare for baby: Still working on my fluid intake. It's so hard to drink that much fluid when you have to! I also got my first baby item this week! I got a really good deal on an Eddie Bauer baby bouncer from a 2nd hand store. Normally I would be hesitant to buy baby items from a 2nd hand store, but it was practically new. Not a stain on it! The reviews I've read are great and lots of mama's that I've talked to said they used the bouncer all the time. So I'm excited about it! 
My Bump: More like bloat. I took a picture last week compared to this week, same time of day and everything and I can tell I am super bloated just by looking. You might not be able to, but I certainly can tell. Not to mention, my pants feel tighter and I'm already doing the hairband trick! Hopefully this eventually goes away. It's not comfortable at all.
 (I know comfort doesn't come hand in hand with pregnancy, but this early?? Come on!)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Confirmation Appointment... Week 3 and 4

After telling our families the news, I called my doctors. They had me just walk in to do a confirmation pee test and talk to a nurse about the do's and don'ts of pregnancy. I went in on Friday August 17th. Had to pee in yet another cup and got another positive!

Also, I got my due date: April 27th, 2013! Yay, spring baby!

My first prenatal appointment is September 20th. The day after my birthday! I hope they do an u/s!

Week 3: Baby is the size of a Poppyseed! (according to the Bump)

Your Baby: Weeks 3 and 4:
In week 3, sperm meets egg, and voila: conception! Your little zygote sets off on a six-day trek through your fallopian tubes, dividing and redividing into identical cells as it travels to your uterus.
 In week 4, now safe in your womb, the ball of cells (blastocyst) splits in two, becoming the embryo and the placenta. The amniotic sac and fluid are forming around baby, and will act as a cushion for the next eight months.

Symptoms: Sore breasts, fatigue, increased appetite, crazy bowel movements, super vivid dreams, and bloating like you wouldn't believe.
Food Cravings: Eggs. That is the only craving that I have noticed. I've killed half a carton in 3 days.  
What I'm most excited about: Everything in general. It's still all so new to me. I'm excited about everything to come! Hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time, my first ultrasound, telling more people! It's all so exciting and I feel so blessed.
Something I've done to prepare for baby: I've started watching what I eat. I cut out coffee completely, (I know they say a little is ok, but I think I'll feel more comfortable doing it in the 2nd trimester.) I cut out alcohol, duh. I'm starting to up my fluid intake, eat more protein, vegetables and also take prenatal vitamins.
My Bump: I took a picture just for comparison sake.... I guess this can be considered a pre-pregnancy picture since there is really no change from a day to day basis. The baby bloat had kind of subsided so I was able to take a nice picture for comparison.

Is this real??

Rewind a minute back to August 14th. Last Tuesday, 7am to be exact. Daniel had just left for an overnight business trip with his dad and wouldn't be back until the following evening.

I had been feeling a bit wonky the past few days, something was off. I knew in my mind that pregnancy was a possibility, but knew it would probably be too soon to tell. Horseback riding had been on my mind for quite some time and I was planning on calling and making reservations for the coming weekend. I know you're not really supposed to go horseback riding when you're pregnant, so I was kind of entertaining the idea of testing anyways just to see if I should call the stables or not. After a wave of nausea, I broke down and decided to test.

I peed in a cup, dipped the test, set it flat on top of a napkin and went to the kitchen to start coffee. I walked back into the bathroom about 5 minutes later, looked down at the test and lo and behold..... two pink lines. Faint, but there. (I had to throw out my fresh coffee...)

I looked in the mirror, slapped both hands over my cheeks Home Alone style and said out loud, "Holy crap". A million things were going through my mind. "This is a cheap test, it's probably wrong.".... "It's probably just an evaporation line."....."I'm seeing things."

I took out another test, dipped it again, waited the longest 5 minutes of my life and there it was again, another faint line. By this time I was already running late for work. I showered quick, ran to work and proceeded to sit at my desk for what felt like the longest work day of my professional life. I couldn't tell anyone. Daniel had to be the first to know, but there was no way I was going to tell him over the phone.

When work was finally over I booked it to Target to get more reliable tests, they had to be name brands and I didn't care how much I had to spend. I got a box of Clearblue Digitals and a box of First Response Early Results (they were on sale, yay Target!).... and then raced home.

They say use first morning urine, but I couldn't wait till the next morning. I peed in a cup again, dipped a FRER test and waited. This is what I saw:

Holy crap again. I ran around the house screaming. I literally could not believe it. It didn't feel real at all!

The next morning I couldn't wait to wake up and take more! Peeing in a cup had become an overnight obsession. I was excited to use the digital to actually see the words "Pregnant", maybe then it would feel more real. This is what I saw the next morning:

I then took 3 more cheap tests to see if the line got darker (it did) and one more FRER! All positives. It was officially the happiest day. I couldn't wait for Daniel to come home so I could share the news!

I took a few pictures of my beaming face holding the pee stick:

So after another GRUELING day at work (turning purple and eyes crossed from not saying anything) I came home, cooked dinner and anxiously waited Daniel's return home.

When his car came pulling in the driveway I jumped up from the couch and threw my hands in the air and yelled, "He's here!!!!!". My cat gave me side eye.

He came in the door, I eagerly kissed him hello and told him I had surprise in the kitchen waiting for him. He walked into the kitchen and looked around. I go, "Look in the oven." He opened the oven and saw this:

He looked and me and smiled instantly and goes, "What? No way!". Then I proceeded to show him the 7 tests I took. He hugged and kissed me and we ate dinner together with huge smiles on our faces!

After I was finally able to call my parents and my sister and tell them the news. I sent my sister a picture of Daniel and I that said "You're going to be a Tia!" and then called her immediately afterwards. She was ecstatic! I sent my parents the picture of the bun in the oven, my mom cried and my dad was pretty excited. We told Daniel's parents with a bottle of Prego:

They are just as excited, they also have another grand child on the way! My brother and sister in law who live in CT are due Feb 4th. So very exciting! Babies everywhere!